David Anderson, founder and CEO, Great Lakes Regional Center
Michele Baker Richardson (board chair-elect), president and CEO, Higher Education Advocates
Joanne Bauer, retired president, Kimberly-Clark Health Care
Thomas Bolger, retired president and CEO, Johnson Financial Group
Lynn Crump-Caine, founder and CEO, Outsidein Consulting
John Daniels, Jr. (board chairman), chairman emeritus, Quarles & Brady
Joanne Disch, professor ad honorem, University of Minnesota School of Nursing
Mark Harris, senior counsel, The Boeing Company
Charles Harvey, retired chief diversity officer and vice president of community affairs, Johnson Controls
Richard Jakle, retired president and CEO, WRMN, WBIG, KSHP, The Radio Shopping Show, Colorado Broadcasting Co.
Jim Skogsbergh, president and CEO, Advocate Aurora Health
John Timmer, retired senior VP and chief credit officer, First National Bank of Brookfield
Richard Weiss, retired partner, Foley & Lardner