Monica Irelan Karas, attorney and partner at Glendale-based Tabak Law LLC, focuses her practice on veteran’s benefits, an area she is most passionate about, according to colleagues.
She helps oversee the operations and practice of the Tabak Law Veteran’s Benefits Law Center, which recently opened across the street from the Clement J. Zablocki Veterans’ Administration Medical Center in Milwaukee.
“Monica is a dedicated and hard-working attorney who has spearheaded the continued growth and success of Tabak Law’s veteran’s benefits division,” said Alex Eichhorn, firm partner. “During her tenure with Tabak Law, she has helped organize and ensure that our clients are provided the best legal services in the industry.”
After graduating from John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Karas worked in various capacities in the Wisconsin civil courts, including family law, estate planning, real estate and insurance.
Karas is frequently featured as a guest speaker on several nationally syndicated podcasts. Additionally, she is active in numerous VA fundraisers including Racine’s Homes for Vets and Milwaukee’s Veterans Run/Walk.