As assistant corporation counsel for Milwaukee County, Judd Taback staffs the Milwaukee County Pension Board and focuses his efforts on administrative law, public pension law, open records and open meetings law, and procurement.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Taback provided legal support to Milwaukee County and its partners around ensuring compliance with state and federal requirements related to health and safety and use of federal funding.
His efforts also supported the continuity of services provided to county residents by reviewing, commenting and approving reopening plans for all Milwaukee County facilities, said Ben Weston, chief health policy advisor for Milwaukee County.
“Judd is an invaluable, reliable, composed attorney, thinker, and person,” said Maggie Daun, Milwaukee County chief corporation council. “Willing to push himself beyond his comfort zone, he makes the Office of Corporation Counsel better every day. He’s a credit to his family, whom he loves fiercely, and the county. We are very fortunate that he’s chosen to share his many talents with us.”