An annual event to give Milwaukee’s homeless information on housing, health, clothing, and dental screening programs will be held Thursday, Oct. 20, at the Alumni Memorial Student Union on Marquette University‘s campus.

The event, called Project Homeless Connect, has been put on each year since 2010 through a partnership among the United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County, the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County.
Last year, more than 500 of the city’s homeless attended the event. This year those who attend will also have access to professionals who can address questions related to legal, educational, mental health and social security issues. Homeless attendees will also receive hygiene kits and a free lunch.
United Way representatives said they anticipate attendance to increase this year.
The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Alumni Memorial Student Union is located at 1442 W. Wisconsin Ave. in downtown Milwaukee.