I.Q. [Innovation Quotient] award
Innovation: SmartCrypt
Information is a valuable commodity. Companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually trying to prevent hacks and leaks of sensitive information.
“Data breaches are on the rise, despite the thousands of dollars, products and vendors that exist around enterprise security,” said Miller Newton, chief executive officer of PKWARE.

Milwaukee-based PKWARE is doing its part to protect companies from malicious attacks, snoops and employee mistakes with the release of SmartCrypt, an enterprise encryption key management solution.
Companies must take a different approach to enterprise security, Newton said.
SmartCrypt is management software that is easily embedded and integrated into a company’s existing system and workflow.
“We’ve been in this business doing data encryption and compression for more than 30 years,” he said. “We sat back and realized the only way we were going to solve this problem is to persistently encrypt sensitive information every place it is used, shared and stored. You have to armor the data, but do it in a way that doesn’t interrupt an individual’s workflow.”
PKWARE has re-invented encryption in a way that no one thought possible. SmartCrypt is high-performance, multi-platform and infinitely scalable for any business, Newton said.
SmartCrypt applies persistent encryption to data at every point before it is exchanged with outside partners.
This enables small, medium and large organizations to retain control over their sensitive information, regardless of how many times that information is copied, backed up or forwarded, Newton said.