Sister Bernardin Deutsch, 92, is an icon at Alverno College in the eyes of colleagues and others in the Alverno family.
“She is still involved and active in the lives of the students and mission of Alverno,” said Jean O’Toole, director of marketing. “She was part of the catalyst of change with the inception of Alverno’s ‘8 Abilities’ curriculum. She is a true spirt, loved by current students, staff, faculty and alum alike.”
A longtime psychology professor, Bernardin was the first to videotape student teachers and was chair of one of the 8 Abilities, which are communication, problem solving, effective citizenship, valuing in decision making, social interaction, analysis, developing a global perspective and aesthetic engagement.
The abilities-based curriculum was created during the early 1970s in response to a national conversation about the need for graduates to demonstrate their competence in key skills.
“The relevance of the abilities is still very real,” Deutsch said in a recent article on Alverno’s website. “Whatever our next step is, I know we will continue to assist students to prepare themselves for their future in the world.”