The recreation therapy team at Clement Manor in Greenfield provides a range of activities and therapies to all residents at its senior living campus, from independent and assisted living, to memory care and skilled nursing.
“Evidence-based outcomes are critical to the viability of these therapies and specific health outcomes. Our recreation therapy programs focuses on well-being through movement, community inclusion, leisure, education and creative and expressive arts,” said Natalie Strade, director of marketing at Clement Manor.
The facility has two full-time music therapists on staff, while many senior living communities have none. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the recreation therapy team has worked to get life back to normal for Clement Manor residents. Their activities calendars are filled with plays, musicals, outings and scenic bus rides.
The team also provides an in-house lifelong learning program, inviting all seniors in the community to take classes.
“Senior living communities are still dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks. Our team is adapting on a daily basis to provide ongoing activities, while staying safe. They give each individual the attention they need to stay included and cared for,” Strade said.