In the short time she has been with the Marcus Performing Arts Center, Katie Dillow has been a true change agent, according to Ken Harris, the center’s vice president of venue operations.
“Her vast knowledge of the not-for-profit business world has been a great asset to the center as we are working to transition our business model to become one of the premiere arts and cultural venues in southeastern Wisconsin,” said Harris.
Dillow has helped translate work models that have been used during the past 53 years to a new methodology based in finances and staff management.
“Katie leads the charge on many levels including finance, strategy, human resources and process mapping,” Harris said.
Before she began her role with the Marcus Center in December of 2021, Dillow was CFO and vice president for finance and administration at Alverno College, where she focused on maturing financial operations and building internal collaboration.
Dillow also currently serves as the vice president of programs for Professional Dimensions.