Innovative Signs
21795 Doral Road, Suite B, Waukesha •
Year Founded: 2001
Product or Service Offered: Indoor murals, wall paper, commercial real estate and job site signs, tradeshow displays, vehicle graphics, political yard signs, indoor/outdoor banners, directional and way finding signs, and POP displays for retail. Electrical signs for retail, office and industrial buildings, including LED channel letters, monument and pylon signs. We also represent four vendors for electronic scrolling message signs for schools, banks, health care and retail centers.
President: Chad Schultz
Vice President: Stephanie Schultz
Projected 2016 Revenue: $2.5 million
Target Clientele: Every business will need our services at some point throughout the year. We like to target brand new construction for office, retail and industrial buildings. We also focus on companies that are brand new, merging, changing company name or logo as well as companies that are moving.

What has fueled your company’s growth?
“The main reason for the growth for Innovative Signs is having a great staff that can execute when leads, referrals and repeat business are presented to us. We put a large effort into networking with our associations and asking everyone we meet to think of us when an opportunity presents itself.”
What is the biggest obstacle to your company’s growth?
“The biggest obstacle we face is being able to have enough manpower at the right times. We are not a cyclical business, but we have moments throughout the year that are busier than others. It is never the same time each year, so sometimes it is hard to forecast when we need extra help. When we do need more manpower, it has been a struggle to find qualified candidates to interview.”
Do you plan to make any changes to your company?
“Yes, in the near future we will be upgrading our equipment to make us more efficient in manufacturing and printing. This includes hiring more qualified staff members. We plan on moving to a more efficient building soon, as well.”
Who are the business people you admire and why?
“The people I admire the most are the ones that have faced adversity, struggled and came out stronger in the end. During 15 years of business, there have been highs and lows. We keep moving forward and get better every year. It has been fun talking to people who are able to look from the outside into our business and show how we are unique and different and that we are going in the right direction.”
What is the outlook for your industry?
“The industry outlook is great. Municipalities are starting to allow more creative signs, electronic message centers and LED conversions. The M7 region has so much construction going on that it is very good for the sign industry.”
What is your company’s most important growth strategy?
“Right now, we are hiring more people for project management, sales and installation. This will allow us to continue to provide service second to none to those that reach out to us. We have a huge amount of opportunities and we need to execute.”