Heather Nelson has worked in the banking industry for 29 years, including 9 with Brookfield-based Spring Bank.
“Heather always exudes a positive, encouraging and supportive attitude when interacting with employees and customers,” said David Schuelke, president and CEO of Spring Bank. “Heather is a visionary, taking a personal initiative to plan and create employee and customer engagement opportunities which result in better co-worker relationships, and opportunities her customers may otherwise not have.
“We can see how this translates in a recent customer survey. 97% of the customers rated Spring Bank 5 out of 5. Heather’s name was mentioned specifically in many of the comments.”
Nelson was been an MSOE Women Design Wisconsin mentor, a Biz Expo seminar presenter and a Manufacturing Summit roundtable presenter.
Nelson works with WWBIC, MEDC, SBA and other organizations to assist startup businesses and other businesses when needed.
“Surpassing her annual growth goals every year, she had over 20% growth in her portfolio in 2019 even with a higher than average loan portfolio of over 150 customers,” Schuelke said.
She has also served on the board of WCREW and was president for the last four years. She also served on the board of REACH for the last 8 years.
“Heather is an extraordinary individual and accomplished in her field,” Schuelke said.