Marathon Machines Inc. | Milwaukee
Founded: 2015 | Employees: 5
Funding raised: $4 million
Product or service: Smart appliances
Glenn Reid’s background is in computers and software. He helped launch iMovie while working as director of engineering and consumer applications at Apple, but since starting Marathon Machines he has brought two new combined washing machine and dryer models to the market. Beyond combining functions, the machines also leverage technology to provide data to users and building owners.
What was the point where you knew you would launch the company and what was the biggest hesitancy or concern you needed to overcome to do it?
Glenn Reid, founder and chief executive officer: “It took two years of research into the category to decide to launch the company, the first new U.S. appliance company founded in over 50 years. Could a startup really compete with Whirlpool? I am a computer scientist, not a manufacturing executive. Nowadays, all machines are controlled by computers, and I realized that my expertise made us competitive with companies with decades-old technologies.”
What are the next key steps in the development of your company and/or product?
“The product is finished and shipping; the next step is growth into the sales channels. We need to raise funding to go to market in a big way.”
What’s the number one thing needed to sustain a culture of innovation and/or growth?
“Irritation is the mother of invention. If you’re happy with the way things are, you won’t innovate or grow. Be restless, be annoyed by the status quo.”
What’s your biggest lesson learned since founding your company?
“Mindset really is a deeply-rooted thing, and there is a huge difference in mindset between Silicon Valley and the Midwest, particularly around risk and innovation.”