“Our growth has been fueled by an aggressive approach in utilizing diverse and advanced manufacturing practices, customer-centered strategies, an ability to be a one-stop solution provider, and a skilled and dedicated workforce.”
“Our biggest obstacle to growth is the limited availability of skilled production associates coming into the labor force. While there are people looking for jobs, many do not have the base skills and/or the work ethic needed to succeed.”
“Our main focus will be the completion and transition to full production in our new West Bend facility.”
“Scott Walker and his focused commitment to building a strong economy both locally and nationally. His unwavering determination, built on strong and good values, to reduce the burden and barriers of ‘big’ government gives hope that the entrepreneurial spirit that built this great state and country will flourish for many years to come. Jack Steele, formerly with Grede Foundries and now deceased, who taught me to not let others kill dreams, to never give up, and always eat dessert first – you never know what the main course will bring.”
“Our industry is varied and companies that are in the metals manufacturing industry offer an extremely diverse set of capabilities. Those that are not too niche, and tied exclusively to a single or a few market segments, will fare better than others. We have strategically focused on a more diverse market and customer base, which helps to insulate us from large negative swings in economic activity by any one market segment.”
“Our growth is dependent on the effective launch of our new facility and utilization of added advanced manufacturing equipment.”
Federal Tool & Engineering LLC
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