Containers Up

Innovation: Modified shipping containers
The shipping container trend has been sweeping the country, and Milwaukee-based Containers Up has brought innovation to the industry. The company specializes in rentable, modified shipping containers for special events and venues.
While the container trend is widespread, Containers Up is one of the only companies to offer the containers as rentable units.
The company launched in February 2017, and since then has expanded from one container to eight and has orders for several more this summer.
Containers Up offers a variety of different layouts, but most popular is its container bar.
“We’re setting trends in the world of event spaces,” said Angie Daugherty, digital marketing manager for Containers Up. “Our product offers a new way to host a venue for weddings, parties, festivals, interactive trade show experiences and pop-up shops.”
Containers can also be used as mobile restaurants, marketing kiosks, learning centers, temporary office space, storefronts and meeting space.
The rental units give customers the ability to create a location or venue anywhere, Daugherty said.
Customers can reserve containers to be dropped off at a designated location and set up in approximately 30 minutes. Daily rental fees start out at $450, plus delivery.
Containers Up can also create custom shipping containers to meet the needs of its customers.
The company recently expanded operations to Nashville, Tennessee, and has plans to continue its expansion in 2018.