
Looking beyond the traditional bottom line: putting employees first is key to Stritch graduate’s success

John Rupcich, a Cardinal Stritch University MBA graduate, doesn't mind when people refer to him as “quirky.” In fact, he embraces it. His so-called quirkiness actually is key in his approach to business and in the success and growth his company has experienced – even during tough economic times.

Knowledge Powers Wisconsin’s Workforce

In an economy driven by knowledge and innovation, the University of Wisconsin System is preparing a stronger workforce to fuel business success.

Transportation and logistics services providers in Wisconsin.

“We have significantly diversified the company,” said Roadrunner CEO Mark DiBlasi. “Our customer base needs a carrier that provides multiple services.”

Impact of the RPC

Oshkosh CorporationOshkosh Corporation joined the consortium in 2000. Several areas of their product development activities have benefited including:New product...

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