Growing Power to open market in King Commons
Growing Power has announced the grand opening of Growing Power’s Deli & Food Market in the King Commons development at 2737 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. in Milwaukee.
‘Extreme drought’ grips southern Wisconsin
The latest U.S. Drought Monitor report shows southern Wisconsin is now in “extreme drought.”
BizTimes Morning Headlines: Drought is taking toll on Wisconsin farmers
Farmers in central Wisconsin are keeping an eye on the sky hoping that passing clouds will bring much needed rain, but Mother Nature refuses to cooperate.
Walker declares drought emergency
Gov. Scott Walker today declared a state of emergency in 42 Wisconsin counties due to drought or abnormally dry conditions, allowing expedited permits for farmers to temporarily use stream or lake water for irrigation.
Walker requests federal ag disaster declaration
Gov. Scott Walker today requested two federal agricultural disaster declarations for Wisconsin to help farmers that sustained losses this spring and summer as a result of extreme weather conditions that impacted fruit trees and the maple syrup collection.
Milk does an economy good
June is Dairy month in Wisconsin, a time where we thank our dairy farmers for all of their hard work. You can do this by drinking milk, eating cheese and yogurt, it does a body good.
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Farm bill threatens Wisconsin’s dairy industry
The debate over federal dairy policy and the Dairy Security Act (DSA) contained within the more comprehensive U.S. farm bill legislation is far from over.
Allen writes new book on ‘The Good Food Revolution’
Will Allen, chief executive officer of Growing Power Inc., Milwaukee's urban farm initiative, has published a new book, "The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People and Communities."
Food as medicine, Farm focuses on health
Kathy Bero founded Pewaukee-based NuGenesis Farm Inc. two years ago after surviving cancer diagnoses three times. Bero founded the...
Cheese is the Apple of Wisconsin
As I sit here deciding whether or not to buy the New iPad from Apple, I was wondering, "Does Wisconsin have an Apple?"