Real Estate

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Building Owners and Managers Association Certified Commercial Investment Members ...

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SBT real estate archive CRE spotlight (Nov. 11)

Upcoming real estate events

VIP pre-opening party for the new Marcus Cinema at The Renaissance, 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 16, 10411 Washington Ave.,...

Real estate odds and ends

Milwaukee-based Plunkett Raysich Architects LLP has formed an alliance with Waukesha-based Ruekert/Mielke, a municipal engineering and land surveying firm,...

Pension Protection Act changes 401(k) provisions

By Todd Barden, for SBT On Aug. 17, President George W. Bush signed the Pension Protection Act...

Commerce State Bank plans second stock offering

West Bend-based Commerce State Bank, which first opened its doors in August 2005, is planning a second stock offering...
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IRAs can be used to purchase real estate

After several years of record-breaking prices and sales, the U.S. housing market is dramatically cooling off. Many homes have...

Lift high the cross

Whether the project is a sculpture of St. Francis welcoming church-goers or a Madonna-like figure holding a bundle, symbolic...

Old hotel will be Grand

Just a few years ago, the Hotel Wisconsin, once a grand downtown Milwaukee hotel, had become a run-down flophouse...

Makeover is on track

Travelers arriving in Milwaukee via train get a pathetic first impression of the city. It appears almost nothing has...

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