Real Estate

More real estate news

SBT Real Estate archive CRE spotlight (Nov. 24):

Upcoming real estate events

NAIOP 2006 Industrial and Office Market Update, 7:15 a.m.-9 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 6, Italian Community Center, 631 E. Chicago...

Real estate odds and ends

Scott Reithel, senior vice president of Milwaukee-based Metropolitan Associates, was recently elected vice president of the Alexandria, Va.-based National...

Real estate people in the news

Milwaukee-based CG Schmidt recently promoted Mikelis "Mike" Abuls to executive vice president and chief operating officer.Wauwatosa-based Irgens Development Partners...

Real estate deal of the week

Roadster LLC, which is owned by Chris Coakley, owner of Milwaukee-based C. Coakley Relocation Systems, recently purchased a 584,810-square-foot...

Real estate resources

Building Owners and Managers Association Certified Commercial Investment Members ...
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More real estate news

SBT real estate archive CRE spotlight (Nov. 24))

Real estate people in the news

Brookfield-based Shorewest Realtors recently hired Guy Ramstack as a sales associate in its Mukwonago office, Marquita McVicker as a...

Upcoming real estate events

CARW 2006 Holiday Party, 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m., Monday, Dec. 4, Wisconsin Club, 900 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, (414-271-2021).NAIOP 2006...

Real estate odds and ends

The Waukesha-based Metropolitan Builders Association recently presented its builder of the year award to Bob Flanagan of the Waukesha-based...

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