Real Estate
In addition to these stories, check out our real estate data tool for agricultural, commercial, manufacturing, and multi-family real estate transactions over the past 30 days.
Real estate people in the news
Brian Parrish, a commercial real estate broker for the Dickman Company, Inc. was recently promoted to vice president.
Irgens launches health care real estate advisory services
Irgens Health Care Facilities Group recently launched a new real estate advisory services initiative.
Concrete being crushed at the North End site
Milwaukee-based Mandel Group Inc. recently began the process of pulverizing the demolished buildings from the former Pfister & Vogel tannery site in downtown Milwaukee, where the company will build the North End development.
Milwaukee County to issue RFP for another Park East property
Milwaukee County plans to issue a request for proposals (RFP) this spring for a three-acre, triangle-shaped property at the west end of the Park East corridor.
Pleasant Prairie drafts plans for more development near I-94
The Village of Pleasant Prairie's Community Development Authority (CDA) is drafting development plans for about 30 acres of...
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Park Place Hilton Garden Inn hotel to expand
The Hilton Garden Inn at 11600 W. Park Place, on Milwaukee's far west side, is planning an expansion.
More hotels planned near airport
The list of proposed hotel developments near Mitchell International Airport keeps growing.
Real estate resources
Building Owners and Managers Association Certified Commercial Investment Members ...