Real Estate
In addition to these stories, check out our real estate data tool for agricultural, commercial, manufacturing, and multi-family real estate transactions over the past 30 days.
Real estate resources
Building Owners and Managers Association Certified Commercial Investment Members ...
Real estate events
Wisconsin Commercial Real Estate Women (WCREW) 2008 Overview of the Downtown Real Estate Marketplace is today.
Real estate odds and ends
Downtown West Bend accredited as national Main Street program The Downtown West Bend Association has been accredited as a...
Real estate people in the news
Brookfield–based Grubb & Ellis|Apex Commercial recently hired John P. Mazza as a vice president.
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Deal of the week
IndependenceFirst leased 40,000 square feet of space (with an option to buy) in the former Karp Bakery Warehouse at 544 S. 1st St., Milwaukee, from 544 South 1st Street LLC.
HomeSale Realty forms affiliation with Coldwell Banker
West Allis-based HomeSale Realty announced that it has formed an affiliation with the franchise system of Parsippany, N.J.-based Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corp. and will now be known as Coldwell Banker HomeSale Realty, effective June 1.
Region’s home sales fall in March
Home sales in the four-county metro Milwaukee area were down 27.4 percent in March, compared with March of 2007, falling from 1,492 sales to 1,083, according to MLS data from the Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors.
State foreclosures continue to rise
Data compiled by shows that foreclosures in the state continue to rise.