Real Estate
In addition to these stories, check out our real estate data tool for agricultural, commercial, manufacturing, and multi-family real estate transactions over the past 30 days.
Real estate odds and ends
Hotel Brokers International presents leadership award to Ron McCord Hotel Brokers International (HBI), announced that Ron McCord the owner-broker...
Real estate people in the news
Milwaukee-based Inland Companies Inc. recently hired Kathryn Baker as a property accountant. The company also announced that Andy Voelker...
Soft real estate market continues to drag on M&I Bank
Marshall & Ilsley Corp. continues to take a pounding from its real estate investments.
West Bend Mutual completes expansion
West Bend Mutual Insurance Co. employees recently moved into the 214,000-square-foot building addition that doubled the size of the company's corporate headquarters at 1900 S. 18th Ave., West Bend.
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Development Forum will feature municipal planners
Representatives from municipalities, business improvement districts and development-related nonprofit organizations will present their latest development opportunities at the Development Forum during the BizTech Expo next week.
Re-invent your life by moving downtown
Many economists and political pundits don't paint a very flattering picture of home ownership right now, especially in the...
Office tenants finally warm up to Bayshore
After a slow start, the office space at Bayshore Town Center is beginning to fill up. In November of...
New Franklin hospital will be green’
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare plans to open the doors of its new $89.6 million hospital in Franklin on Monday, April...