Marketing & Media
How strong is your brand? You need a clear and compelling message
Describe the relationship your company has with your customers. Does this align with how your customers describe the relationship...
Cookie crumble
In 2011 the Europeon Union (EU) passed legislation known as Directive 2002/58 on Privacy and Electronic Communications – a.k.a. the Cookie Law.
Emerald Isle captures top Paragon Award
The Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) celebrated the 2012 winners of its Paragon Awards this week at a luncheon at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee.
Scheibel Halaska changes name to Trefoil Group
Scheibel Halaska, a Milwaukee-based public relations company, announced today it has changed its name to Trefoil Group.
“The Virtual Executive”
In the business world, virtual platforms such as blogging, commenting, tagging, emailing, texting and video chatting have all become normal channels of communication. Executives who have yet to embrace the new forms of communication risk leaving opportunities behind.
Deal with anonymous hate
One thing many small businesses have to deal with is people, especially anonymous people, posting nasty stuff about them online. While you can't really stop it, you can absolutely deal with it so it doesn't impact all of your customers who love you.
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Ad creates political crossfire for Johnson Controls
Glendale-based Johnson Controls Inc. suddenly finds itself in the middle of a squabble in the 2012 U.S. presidential race.
Ad creates political crossfire for Johnson Controls
Glendale-based Johnson Controls Inc. suddenly finds itself in the middle of a squabble in the 2012 U.S. presidential race.
WEDC hires Nelson Schmidt to lead state marketing
The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) has selected Milwaukee-based Nelson Schmidt Inc. to develop and lead its marketing program to brand the state of Wisconsin for business formation, growth and relocation.
Brady Corp. acquires Swedish company
Milwaukee-based Brady Corp. has acquired Runelandhs Forsaljnings AB, a direct marketer of industrial and office equipment in Kalmar, Sweden.