Marketing & Media
Craig J. Davidson, principal, founder of Davidson Marketing Group LLC
What was the smartest thing your company did in the past year?
"Thinking up innovative new products was the smartest thing we did last year. Innovative products and services are what drive new business and the necessary job growth in our local and national economy."
Who owns your company’s social media accounts?
Companies often assume they own all rights in the social media accounts used in their branding strategies. However, disputes regarding account ownership can arise in many circumstances. For example, what if an employee created her own Facebook or Twitter account before she was hired and then began using that account on behalf of the company? What if an employee is hired for his persona (sports broadcaster or well-known blogger) and attracts an audience with his personality rather than company products?
BizTimes invites nonprofits to participate in 2013 Giving Guide
BizTimes Milwaukee invites southeastern Wisconsin nonprofit organizations to take advantage of a year-long marketing opportunity by submitting information to be featured in the 2013 BizTimes Giving Guide, a print and digital publication to showcase nonprofit organizations seeking support from the business community.
Journal acquires Tenn. station
Journal Broadcast Group, a subsidiary of Milwaukee news company Journal Communications Inc., has announced it will acquire WTVF NewsChannel 5 Network in Nashville, Tenn.
Know your employees’ social media rights
According to a recent survey released by Jobvite, 92 percent of employers use or plan to use social networking and social media websites to recruit new employees.
Online marketing critical for small businesses
The world of marketing changes at such a rapid pace that even the savviest marketers have a hard time keeping up the pace. Social, local, and mobile is becoming increasingly important as the popularity of social media platforms and mobile devices continue to grow. Local marketing is also going to be a critical factor in competing with other local small businesses.
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Journal Communications buys back Class C stock shares
Milwaukee-based Journal Communications Inc. has acquired all of the 3.3 million outstanding shares of its Class C common stock (4.5 million shares on a Class A-equivalent basis), all of which were owned by members and successors of the Grant Family.
BizTimes Bubbler Executive of the Week
Tim Dyer, co-founder and chief storyteller, and Dave Dyer, co-founder and chief strategist of Manifesto LLC
MSOE to teach social media strategies to professionals
The Milwaukee School of Engineering has created a Social Media for Business certification program to help engineering, business and technical professionals advance their social media skills, develop social business strategies and tailor their strategies to their companies' needs.
Coffee Break with Dave Dyer and Tim Dyer of Manifesto LLC
Dave Dyer , co-founder and chief strategist
Tim Dyer , co-founder and chief storyteller
Manifesto LLC
161 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee
Industry: Advertising/marketing
Family - Tim: Wife, Elisha and two sons, Emerson (3) and Sullivan (1).
Family - Dave: Wife, Allison and son, Grayson