Marketing & Media
Jim Taugher, Principal at CI Design Inc.
What was the smartest thing your company did in the past year? "Started having off-site imagination meetings. Also, we...
Gitomer: Salespeople have questions. Jeffrey has answers.
I get a ton of emails from people seeking insight or asking me to solve their sales dilemmas. Here are a few that may relate to your job, your life, and (most important) your sales thought process right now.
Media Dynamics launches iPad app for customized presentations
Media Dynamics
6737 W. Washington St., West Allis
Innovation: CustomPitch, an iPad app for custom presentations
Coke and the myth of Guanxi
There is a reason Coca-Cola is in 200 countries around the world, and it has to do with their uncanny ability to make friends as needed.
Stay consistent in the social media jungle
Building an audience and gaining maximum reach always takes center stage when it comes to social media strategies. With so many social media platforms available today, it's easier than ever for a company to reach an audience. However, if your messaging is not clear and consistent then your reach is much less meaningful.
“Naked Marketing: The Bare Essentials”
In the third edition of “Naked Marketing: The Bare Essentials,” author Robert Grede builds on his previous two versions of the book with a new focus on the value of social media in strengthening a company's brand and overall marketing plan.
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National award honors MSOE’s social media community
After three years of strategic development and expansion, the Milwaukee School of Engineering’s (MSOE’s) Bridge Social Community has been recognized with a national award for its innovative approach to connecting prospective students and staff on campus.
Third Coast Daily acquired by Urban Milwaukee
Milwaukee online news daily has agreed to purchase, a Milwaukee online arts and entertainment publication. The sale will be effective December 1.
Associated Bank launches new branding campaign
Associated Banc-Corp announced the launch of a new branding campaign which features at least a dozen retail and commercial customers, including Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers.
Third Coast Daily acquired by Urban Milwaukee
Milwaukee online news daily has agreed to purchase, a Milwaukee online arts and entertainment publication. The sale will be effective December 1.