Magnify the meeting: Mix these elements into your customer interactions
Some of you know that in a past life I worked in metallurgy.
Qualify your prospects: Are they ready to buy?
Take a look at your company's sales pipeline. Of the prospects categorized as “high-probability opportunities,” how many are qualified as “ready to buy?” What evidence exists to support their readiness?
Avoid ‘the collision’
Travis was late for a meeting. His phone rang as he scurried from his office. He went through the normal, “Answer? Or voicemail?”
Perfect your value proposition
What is your company's value proposition? This seems like a simple question, but having facilitated hundreds of sales training workshops, it remains one of the top challenges facing sales professionals today.
Timing isn’t everything…
Over the many years that I traveled in the trenches with salespeople, I heard a handful of questions that seemed to be part of the salesman's playbook. “What's your timing on this decision?” was among the more common.
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Gain their trust
I have a favorite question I ask salespeople: “How important is trust as it relates to your ability to get results as a salesperson?”
The ultimate differentiator: How to keep your most important clients
You have an excellent ongoing customer — a steady, high-revenue, profitable and long-time account.
Unintended consequences
The last thing every salesperson wants is to be like other salespeople. Can you name another profession where there is such a strong distaste for being like all of the others in the profession?
Holy Grail of selling: Master this and get perfect results
H ave you ever come across a solution to a problem that was so simple you almost rejected the solution out of hand because it was just too simple? "Surely there's more to it than just that," you reasoned!