The gift from the heart
A musical instrument in the hands of a skilled musician can penetrate the human soul. Like instruments, people can also radiate songs – the music that is our authentic self.
Respect leads to results
Was it Groucho Marx who said, "I'd never be a member of a club that would have me as a member?" Regrettably, it seems that salespeople feel the same way about themselves and their "membership" (that is, relationship) with customers.
Cyber safety
Imagine that someone hacked into your customer database and stole sensitive information, including credit card numbers. The consequences would be enormous and could include legal costs, lost productivity and your reputation.
Some reasons to be thankful this week
Before the Christmas lights are strung across the front fence and the shopping malls get crowded, let's reflect on...
Small business executives will return something long missing from Washington
When the 112th Congress convenes in January, there will be lots of new faces in the crowd, many of...
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The Financial Planning Association of Southern Wisconsin will hold the seminar "How Healthcare Reform Affects...
On the Money
Retirement plan distributions - Options if you lose your job by Robert A. Kieckhefer, financial consultant with The Kieckhefer Group, a Milwaukee office of RBC Wealth Management.