State Republican leaders are defiling democracy
Whatever happened to government of the people, by the people, for the people? Wisconsin's proud tradition of participatory government...
Reforms will be needed to clean up Walker’s mess
Dave Zweifel wrote the other day about a friend from out of state calling him to ask what the...
Budget protects middle class and future generations
The Kaukauna School District recently announced that our reforms will allow them to add more teachers, reduce class sizes...
Project management
When Noah was directed by the Lord to build an ark, he was given a specific scope of work and detailed instructions on how to construct it.
Positive reinforcement
The recent season of "American Idol" included a significant shift in the approach of the judges. Absent was the caustic criticism of past seasons. The strongest message was affirming and appreciative rather than critical and demeaning. Did the change in the judges' behavior impact the performance of the contestants from week to week? There is growing evidence that in fact, it may have.
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Employees need to think like consumers of health care
How does the lack of transparency impact the success of the strategy? As U.S. health plan premium increases continue to outpace inflation, employers have shifted costs to employees, offering them difficult choices such as:
Ethanol tax credit likely to survive Senate repeal vote
The U.S. Senate recently dealt a psychological blow to the ethanol industry by voting to repeal a federal tax credit for ethanol producers. The credit provides a 45 cents-per-gallon tax incentive to qualifying ethanol blenders of pure ethanol blended with gasoline.
Health care industry is developing ‘Accountable Care’
Health care costs constitute approximately 18 percent of the United States GDP, with the Congressional Budget Office projecting that such percentage will rise to 25 percent by 2025.
Early adopters like 4G service
Robert Deglau started using the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE, or fourth-generation, long-term evolution network, as soon as it was introduced in the Milwaukee area last month.