Human Resources & Management
A fresh start
I just finished reading “Six Years,” a very readable little mystery written by Harlan Coben. The plot is entangled around a nonprofit organization called “Fresh Start.” This group has all of the resources needed to give anyone they select as worthy of a big-time fresh start in life, usually involving identity changes and what you might call disappearing acts.
Make meetings work
It's universal: people are mired in meetings. In some organizations, meetings have replaced work as a primary daily activity.
Be a boss ‘everyone wants to work for’
“Who is your all-time favorite boss?” That's a question I often ask participants in leadership seminars.
Supreme Court ruling forces employers to reconsider benefits for same-sex couples
The federal government cannot limit the legal definition of marriage to one man and one woman. That was the conclusion the United States Supreme Court reached in June of this year when it decided United States vs. Windsor.
UnitedHealthcare initiative aims to improve quality and reduce costs
A new initiative between Minnetonka, Minn.-based insurer UnitedHealthcare and a collaboration of major Wisconsin health systems will work on efforts to improve processes that are expected to result in improved quality of care and reduced costs of health care plans for businesses and their employees.
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Get better results with a daily dose of dopamine
Dopamine – a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and anticipation of reward – creates the motivation and energy needed to obtain results, according to Robert Sapolsky, neuroscientist and primate researcher. When a reward is created, and anticipated, employees work for the reward and a rise of dopamine occurs.
Cross the bridge
"True genius is the ability to hold two contradictory thoughts simultaneously without losing your mind."
– Charles Beaudelaire
Social media employment legislation on its way to Wisconsin
Wisconsin is poised to become the 13th state to pass legislation prohibiting employers from requesting social media account information from employees or applicants. Assembly Bill 218 and Senate Bill 223 follow the trend sweeping across the country in response to reports of employers asking applicants for access to social media accounts as part of the interview process. Legislators supporting the bill are hailing it as “The Social Media Protection Act.”
The unexpected request
How do you respond when an employee walks into your office and asks you for an unscheduled raise?