Entrepreneurship & Small Business
Young named Kohler Center for Entrepreneurship’s first faculty fellow
McGee Young, associate professor of political science at Marquette University, has been named the first Entrepreneur Faculty Fellow for 2012 under the university’s Kohler Center for Entrepreneurship, according to an announcement Wednesday.
Keep an open mind: Should we really avoid political debate?
You've been told – or said yourself – many times, “Whatever you do don't discuss politics or religion.” It may be that you are prepping your son for his first serious job interview. Or prepping yourself for the annual holiday party. “OK, don't drink very much and don't bring up politics at all.”
The negotiator personality: Sheep, fox, donkey or owl?
I recently posed the question “Are you a cognitive or intuitive negotiator?” to a group of experienced negotiators and teaching professionals. We participate in the Expert Negotiator online threaded discussion at LinkedIn.com on a regular basis. The responses were quite varied and interesting.
Executives lead by example in Fittest Execs competition
Top executives are tasked with leading their companies by example, and that can be crucial when it comes to making time for fitness.
Global economy will feel impact as Russia joins WTO
On Aug. 22, Russia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). The entrance raises fhe questions: Will Russia follow China economic miracle? Who will benefit? Is this a competition between the U.S. and China, or just globalization?
“The Mobile Wave: How Mobile Intelligence Will Change Everything”
Virtually every aspect of business, and of life, is now immersed in mobile computing. So much so, that it's nearly impossible to comprehend all the changes brought about by the phenomenon.
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Michael E. Moeller, president of Remy Battery Co. Inc.
What was the smartest thing your company did in the past year? "Although economic recovery has been slow...
Another huge Wisconsin cranberry harvest
Despite the summer drought that hammered much of Wisconsin's agriculture industry this year, the state's cranberry farmers are expected to harvest 4.5 million barrels of cranberries during the fall harvest, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture projections.
Know your employees’ social media rights
According to a recent survey released by Jobvite, 92 percent of employers use or plan to use social networking and social media websites to recruit new employees.
Execution is key to realizing vision
"I have an incredible, game-changing, transformational vision for the future," the eager entrepreneur tells me as part of her...