Education & Workforce Development
Actuant program develops managers
Menomonee Falls-based Actuant Corp. has recently implemented a management development program for its new employees.
Real Leaders Don’t Boss
Author Ritch Eich has recognized that motivation and direction from company leaders has become the next victim to the economic recession.
Milwaukee Job Corps Center addresses skills gap
The Milwaukee Job Corps Center celebrated its first class of graduates in January, just one year after the school began accepting students.
Marquette Dentistry Dean honored for innovation in dental education
Marquette University School of Dentistry Dean William K. Lobb was recognized by the American Dental Education Association with the 2012 William J. Gies Award for Innovation as a dental educator.
Spaulding Clinical Research to expand in West Bend
Spaulding Clinical Research LLC plans a $6 million expansion that will create up to 183 new jobs in West Bend.
State’s unemployment rate holds steady at 6.9%
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Wisconsin held steady at 6.9 percent in February, according to the latest calculations...
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Concordia to hold open house for working adults
Concordia University Wisconsin’s Midtown Center, located at 4151 N. 56th St. will host an open house event on Friday, March 30 from 4 to 7 p.m.
St. Marcus wins Shopko choose a charity contest
Shopko Inc., has announced that Milwaukee-based St. Marcus School has won its “Choose the Charity” contest and will receive a $10,000 donation from the Shopko Foundation
Britz is new UWM provost
Johannes Britz is the new provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
State to authorize vocational diplomas
Legislation giving school boards new tools for the development of vocational skills curricula was approved by the Wisconsin Assembly on a bi-partisan vote Wednesday and is on its way to Gov. Scott Walker's desk.