Jam sessions
I grew up with jazz. My older brother (now traveling the universe) was an amazing self-taught drummer. His best...
Grow up
After attending a lovely Martin Luther King, Jr. luncheon recently and reflecting on a variety of conversations since the...
Stop, start, continue
January is upon us. The first month of a new year always triggers my thinking about Janus, that Roman...
To reach your New Year’s goals…
Many of us have been taught that asking for help or assistance is a sign of weakness. If we...
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Pick your frame
We live in a world of tremendous and confusing dichotomy. Recently, I read brief articles on white privilege work...
Confidence is key
A paradox of our current times is that as confidence continues to erode in many of our traditional systems...
Be radical
After weeks on the road working with a variety of clients and listening to animated discussions/debates on the current...
Have these conversations
January is often a time of new resolutions. This is a good time for leaders AND employees to plan...