When Carin Schultz joined Frontida Assisted Living as vice president of operations in 2010, she jumped in with both feet.
At that time, Schultz joined a “meager yet enthusiastic team” of a struggling long-term care company in an industry she didn’t have previous experience in, said president and chief executive officer Crystal Miller.
“Carin has been successful because of her sincere care for the residents, the caregivers and her coworkers,” Miller said. “Carin offers careful attention to the details that matter in creating a space where the whole person can be cared for. This whole-person care approach was especially valuable during the last 18 months when everyone, both team members and residents, was desperate for emotional connection in addition to essential safety.”
Schultz shows care for caregivers, knowing it will empower them to deliver the best care, Miller said.
“The most fulfilling thing the Frontida leadership team hears is a caregiver saying that their life has been forever changed because of the personal values they adopted because of what they experienced during their work life,” Miller said. “Carin Schultz is a driving force in this impact that will affect generations of lower-income workers.“