Bridget Condon has more than 17 years of experience in the banking industry, across multiple disciplines.
Today, as a vice president of commercial banking for CIBM Bank in southeastern Wisconsin, Condon uses her expertise to provide solutions to her clients, who range from entrepreneurs to seasoned business executives.
Condon was a recipient of CIBM Bank’s Banker of the Year award and was chosen for her overall loan and deposit production, fee income, leadership, and community involvement.
She serves the following community organizations: Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation – Loan Committee co-chair; La Casa de Esperanza/VITA – volunteer tax preparation; United Way – volunteer; Rotary International – Waukesha Chapter member and officer; Small Business Administration (SBA) — WI Annual Lender’s Conference planning committee member and presenter, SBA emerging leaders coach and SCORE volunteer.
“In addition to these, Bridget attends numerous fundraising events across the community each year, making a positive impact in the lives of many,” said Joanne Blaesing, executive vice president, CIBM Bank. “From committee chair to volunteer, Bridget brings her honesty, energy and versatility to make things happen. Bridget is a role model in our company and community because of her integrity, strong financial acumen, forthright nature, and eagerness to meet any challenge head-on.”