Home Authors Posts by Steve Jagler, for BizTimes Media

Steve Jagler, for BizTimes Media

Steve Jagler, for BizTimes Media
Steve Jagler, former BizTimes Milwaukee editor.

Directors and officers coverage is more important than ever

Directors and officers coverage is more important than ever By Jordan Fox, for SBT Corporate directors and officers today are...

Instant message

How to send a completely new message to a customer in a single meeting By Jerry Stapleton, for SBT I'll...

Waukesha Chamber Top 10 Businesses: Spectrum Digital Services

Waukesha Chamber Top 10 Businesses: Spectrum Digital Services Most business owners would say that service is their top priority. But at Spectrum...

BUSINESS @ A GLANCE OnMilwaukee.com

Name of company: OnMilwaukee.com Web site(s) address: www.onmilwaukee.com Purpose of Web site: Daily magazine and city guide Year founded: 1998 Total readers per month:...

Alliance gives Milwaukee law firm offices in China

Alliance gives Milwaukee law firm offices in China The Milwaukee-based Michael Best & Friedrich law firm has opened offices in Shanghai and Beijing,...

Here’s what to consider when choosing an advertising agency

Here's what to consider when choosing an advertising agency By Robert Grede, for SBT Why do you need an advertising agency? An...

Real estate groups backing McCallum

Three state real estate groups are endorsing Scott McCallum for governor. The Commercial Association of Realtors Wisconsin (CARW), The Building Owners and...

Baymont opens in Waterford

On one side, stood Big Bend Development and an ownership group of local residents headed up by developer Jay Henrichs. On the other, stood...

Info for a pie chart to be packaged with some little...

Lambeau Field renovation costs Budgeted cost: $295.2 million Green Bay Packers' share of cost: $126.1 million Green Bay/Brown County's share of cost: $160 million...

Sheboygan County companies at loggerheads

Sheboygan County log home companies in trademark dispute Wilderness Log Homes, a Sheboygan-based log-home builder, has filed a trademark infringement suit against...

A well-received message in negotiations

How to frame your message to make it more acceptable to the other party Question: I heard that how you "frame"...

Business notes

River barges, which haven't called on the Port of Milwaukee since 1996, could be coming back, thanks to a change in federal regulations. ...

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