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Mary Scheibel

Mary Scheibel

Rising to the occasion

Mary Scheibel Chair Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce's Council of Small Business Executives (COSBE) www.mmac.org Mary Scheibel is the...

Communication is crucial during a merger

In her recent article in Forbes, Hilary Kramer, chief investment officer for A&G Capital Research, references a study from Thomson Reuters and Freeman Consulting Services that concludes "the global market for M&A will surge 36 percent in 2011 to over $3 trillion."

New MMAC poll is strongest since 9/11

Milwaukee-area businesses are more optimistic about their fourth quarter performances than they have been in any quarter in more than four years, according to...

New MMAC poll is strongest since 9/11

Milwaukee-area businesses are more optimistic about their fourth quarter performances than they have been in any quarter in more than four years, according to...

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