Dave Spano, Chief Executive Officer, Annex Wealth Management
Dave Spano is the founder and CEO of Annex Wealth Management. His 35+ years of experience in the financial services industry has helped to shape the vision behind the establishment and growth of one of the premier independent financial service organizations in Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Under Dave’s direction, Annex Wealth Management® brings together high-quality, client-focused professionals from the investment advisory, retirement, tax and estate planning fields to form a client service team prepared to meet the financial needs of a diverse client base.
Brexit: How it still will likely impact your portfolio
U.S. companies that sell goods to foreign customers suffer because, relative to a weaker currency, our goods and services cost more.
Make 2019 the year you got real
No one knows better than you exactly what can get you off track with your financial plan.
This is not a “Year in Review”
A financial plan can help spare you the stress of constantly monitoring the market.
When a big salary doesn’t pay off
While it can represent both a psychological and financial achievement, a large salary doesn’t guarantee wealth.
Was your election anxiety worth it?
Despite how wildly elections can swing, our responses needn’t be immediate.
You’re finally making good money. Now what?
It may be time to consider a real inventory of what you own, what it’s all worth, the tax implications of your holdings, and even your estate plan.
Aretha Franklin left behind a legacy – and some headaches
Ms. Franklin did not have a will or trust at the time of her death.
Five ways playing golf is like caring for your portfolio
There’s a strong similarity between the best golfers and those dealing with their finances astutely.
Four levers that help you reach financial goals
Increase the chances of achieving money goals by getting a higher rate of return, working longer, saving more, or spending less.