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The bottom line is safety

Proactive stance can cut injuries, reduce costs About eight years ago, Great Lakes Roofing Corp. in Milwaukee began a comprehensive safety program which involved stressing...

Marketing Milwaukee

Dating back to 1975, when Mayor Henry Maier launched the "Milwaukee, Talk it Up" campaign to encourage local residents to help promote their city,...

What others say about Milwaukee

"People always express surprise when I tell them all of the big companies that are located here, like Northwestern Mutual Life and Johnson...

Using multimedia for sales

Businesses are marketing to their customers in new ways through multimedia Multi-media marketing has become another buzzword in the business world. But what...

Tech firm relocates to downtown Milwaukee

Things will be great when you're downtown ... "No finer place, for sure," Petula Clark sang in her hit "Downtown." Another business apparently agrees....

Healthcare- controlling doctors’ behavior

Controlling doctor behavior is path to controlling costs Milwaukee dermatologist Kathleen Stokes listens with envy when her father-in-law reminisces about practicing medicine in "the...

Top marketing tips

Straegize, to stand out in the crowd, marketing consultants advise You think you're selling widgets to your clients. But your clients think they're buying...

Gestures in foreign countries

When body and sign language mean something else In Bulgaria, people shake their heads up and down when they mean "no," and side to...


There's a new twist on accounts receivable financing When businesses think of accounts receivable factoring, they can conjure up unpleasant thoughts of insensitive third...

Q&A: What is the best way to monitor my business progress...

Answer of Dale Muehl of Wipfli, Ullrich Bertelson Running a business successfully is like taking a journey: you need a destination (objectives and goals)...

Business transitions

New products, new services new locations, new businesses Link Community Financial Services, a cooperative venture of Community BANCGROUP and a leading local investment firm,...

Grafton, Saukville welcome industry while Mequon shuns it

Geoffrey Martin lives in Mequon, but he put his business elsewhere. Martin, executive vice-president of Pope Scientific, likes living in Mequon, but he's relocating...

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