If your company offers a "green" product or service to businesses in southeastern Wisconsin, you can list your organization at no cost in the first annual Small Business Times Green Building Directory. To do so, visit the Green Directory Submission Form for complete details and to submit your organizations information. At this time, participation is limited to commercial products and services only, and organizations must be located or conducting a majority of business in southeastern Wisconsin. Categories include: Architectural Services, Building Automation, Cleaning, Construction, Waste Management, Development, Energy Audits/Analysis, Energy Incentive Programs, Engineering, Environmental Consulting, Facilities Management, Lighting Providers, Office Furniture, Government Agencies, HVAC Engineering, Indoor Air Quality Services, Interior Design, Commercial Landscape Design, Manufacturer of Green/Energy Products, Non-Profit Organizations, Renewable Energy, Green Roof Contractors, Sustainable Design, and Energy Providers. Organizations in the directory will be listed in the Sept. 28 print issue of Small Business Times.
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