Milwaukee Alderman Joe Davis Sr. has proposed that the city borrow $250 million to build a light rail system. Proposed rail transit systems in Milwaukee, and especially light rail proposals, have been shot down for years, but Davis promises to offer his proposal for discussion on the Common Council floor on Friday, Nov. 7. "I work with the National League of Cities across the country and in every city, in every discussion, public transportation is significantly more advanced outside the Milwaukee area," Davis said. "We must bring our city into the here and now and take advantage of the opportunities better transportation provides and the immediate necessity for public transportation we face." Davis says the $250 million bonding expense "would be something the city could leverage with federal dollars." In addition, other sources of revenue, such as community development block grant funds, could be increased, Davis said. "The design and implementation of light rail doesn’t just bring Milwaukee up to par with the rest of the country or provide access to suburban communities," he said. "Light rail is a viable way to leverage federal dollars and open up the amount of development, fiscal and cultural opportunities Milwaukee deserves."