While Milwaukee-based Walny Legal Group LLC experienced growth over the past 18 to 24 months, implementing new systems, management programs and billing software as well as hiring more than 50% of its current employees, office manager Julia May was the glue that held the firm together, according to Eido Walny, founder and managing partner.
“While the lawyers focus on their legal practice, and staff support the lawyers, Julia is the one who makes sure that billing gets run, that A/R is collected, that bills get paid,” said Walny. “She is the one who makes sure that our systems grow with us and helps to evaluate where our weaknesses are so that those can be addressed.”
“She makes sure the copiers work and water is delivered. She makes sure supplies are in stock and helps us pivot when supply chain (issues) hit the firm so that clients are not impacted. COVID-19 has not made any of these tasks any less important. In fact, these jobs have been more important to us through COVID because our work has only increased,” he added.