As president and CEO, Lupe Martinez is the chief strategist at UMOS, a non-profit, advocacy organization whose mission is to provide programs and services that improve the employment, educational, health and housing opportunities of underserved populations. UMOS, headquartered in Milwaukee, also has operations in Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri and Texas.
Martinez is a former migrant farmworker who is familiar with the feeling of being overlooked and not having a voice. Today, Martinez instills into UMOS employees the importance of treating everyone like family, said Roderick Ritcherson, president of The Ritcherson Companies.
Martinez works to make a difference in the lives of the 300,000 people annually who walk through UMOS’ doors seeking employment, safety, education, home energy and food assistance.
In addition to his work with UMOS, Martinez is chairman of the National Farmworker Alliance; past chairman of MAFO, a national partnership of farmworker and rural organizations; vice chair of Farmworker Justice; a board member of the Association of Farm Worker Opportunities Program; president of the Wisconsin Farmworkers Coalition; vice chair of the Governor’s Council on Migrant Labor (for Wisconsin); an executive board member of EMPLOY Milwaukee; a board member of the Wisconsin Community Action Program; state director of LULAC-Wisconsin; president of LULAC Council 337 and a board member for Mexican Fiesta.