BizTimes Media hosted its Next Generation Manufacturing Summit on Oc. 12 at The Ingleside Hotel in Waukesha.
Nearly 300 members of southeastern Wisconsin’s business community attended the 16th annual event to hear from the region’s leading manufacturers on how they are navigating ongoing challenges including disrupted supply chains, a major workforce shortage and automation and productivity issues.
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BizTimes' 16th annual Next Generation Manufacturing Summit was held at the Ingleside Hotel in Waukesha.

BizTimes associate editor Arthur Thomas moderated the keynote conversation with Steven Richman, group president of Milwaukee Tool.

Nearly 300 business and manufacturing leaders attended the 2021 Next Generation Manufacturing Summit.

The panel discussion included Mike Steger, president and COO at Waukesha Metal Products; Jim Schneberger, president at New Berlin Plastics; Ryan Reigle, president and CEO of Regal Ware; and Bob Gross, president and CEO at Gross Automation, LLC.

Alan Doyle of Allison Aviation Corp., Kevin Skowronski of Wisconsin Assembly District 82, and Dave Bartels of WMEP Manufacturing Solutions.